Example flight 2 - with addon aircraft
Our example is a feeder flight from Düsseldorf to Hamburg. EDDL - EDDH Flight number DE0161 |
FLIGHT PLANNING: Several pages are available on the network for the preparation of a valid flight plan for IVAP. |
A:) Route planning with RouteFinder: ![]() Routefinder does not suggest SID and STAR, these must be determined from the ATIS of the respective ATC or from the database of the FMC. The bottom line also contains the flight plan with airways. From SID to STAR, the flight plan can now be easily transferred to the IVAP flight route using "copy and paste". It is important to enter the flight altitude (FL) in the route finder, so that the route is planned correctly! The flight plan is: EDDL SID MEVEL Y850 BASUM M170 STADE L23 HAM STAR EDDH | |
C:) What altitude should we fly at? The semicircle rule at IVAO applies. Flights eastbound odd number (ODD), flights westbound even number (EVEN). Exceptions are Italy, France and Spain, where flights to the south are ODD and flights to the north are EVEN. This applies to all pilots: a sufficiently good flight planning is a prerequisite for the success of an online flight. Nothing is more unpleasant if you have to jiggle around in the FMC just before landing. | |
FMC (MCDU) PROGRAMMING: First of all, the flight plan is entered into the FMC. Now SID and STAR are missing! According to ATC we take off in EDDL on runway 23L and land in EDDH on runway 15. From the database of the FMC (MCDU) the runways, as well as SID and STAR are entered into the flight plan. Sometimes there are differences in the numbering of SID and STAR between the flight planner and the FMC. Also in this example there is only one BASU8A in the database. The left image shows the SID already entered in the flight plan, the right image shows the selection from the database using Airbus as an example. ![]() | |
FUEL CALCULATION: How much fuel do you need? Considered are Taxi, The flight from EDDL to EDDH, Taxi and if applicable the APU. This is the so-called TRIPFUEL. Then of course the RESERVE. This is the flight to the alternate airport, holding patterns and the emergency reserve. How do you calculate this? Either according to the information in Peter Guth's manual according to the 4% formula. Fuel consumption is about 4% of the TOW (Take Off Weight) per hour, or you use the Fuelcalculator, which is usually included in pay-ware add-on products. We paid good money for the add-on product, so we use the tool too! Here the example of PSS Airbus. ![]() Calculation of the fuel consumption according to minimum entries: We need about 3 tons for the flight from Düsseldorf to Hamburg. As reserve we have 1,5 t for holdings etc. and 1,5 t to the alternative airport. As iron reserve we have a ¾ t. So we should refuel 6,8 t for our flight. These fuel planners work surprisingly well, a recalculation with the 4% formula - "roule of thumb estimate" - but never hurts. Everything programmed into the FMC (MCDU)? Tank filled? Passengers on board? All right, then quickly draw up the IVAP flight plan and you're ready to go. ![]() This part is especially important when flying online. It is the interface between our cockpit and the radar screen of the controller. It is essential to fill in the form: aircraft ident (CFG number) and pilot in command when first entering IVAP. Of course via the IVAO ID and password. For every single flight: type of aircraft, flight rules, equipment, departure aerodrome, departure time, cruising speed, level, route (copy + paste from route finder) SID and STAR, destination aerodrome, altn (alternative) aerodrome and the MTL aircraft. In addition, under "other information" you can enter e.g. NEWBIE for beginners. Then the ATC also knows that he is dealing with a beginner. | |
THE PIREP: Which flight planning and flight execution data are necessary to provide a valid pilot report (PIREP) for the Condor-VA? We all want that our laboriously created flight accounted for and included in the statistics of the Condor-VA. We make a note of the following: | |
| Have fun flying online in the IVAO network wishes the Condor-VA and CFG340 Willi (Chief Pilot) |