PIREP / Flight plan

The most important facts about PIREP Where can I find our PIREP ?

There is no longer an independent PIREP system. You can only fill out a PIREP, when you call up the flight schedules. In the normal timetables it well be displayed according to your rank and service (HUB), as well as in the mandatory flight schedule and also in the special flight schedules.
There you klick on your flight number and you will get to the PIREP.
This should help you and us to eliminate most of the mistakes that have been made in the past. No one can do it anymore:
• enter his personal data incorrectly.
• enter a wrong flight number,
• post a flight that's not on our flight plans.
You only need to fill in the data that are still open and I hope that you have noted them down during your flight.
Which data you absolutely need and how to get them is shown in EXAMPLE Flight-1 and also in EXAMPLE Flight-2, whereby Example Flight 1 concerns a general flight with free aircraft and in Example Flight 2, payware machines are discussed.

Why fill in the PIREP conscientiously?

Well for one thing, I see this as a duty to share your careful flight preparations with us and for another thing it is essential that you can get credit for the hours you flew for the VA.
It is important to have a look at the PIREP form before you fly to see what you have to consider for your flight. So a sheet of paper and a pen, like a calculator should be on the table before you, because you will need it. The PIREP form should be filled out properly and very conscientiously, and if some things like SID and STAR etc. seem unclear to you, have a look under the menu item flight school! There you will find pretty much everything that is necessary for flight preparation.
Since our data acquisition program works very carefully and also automatically, you should not provoke any errors, because it can be, your data will not be recognized and will disappear forever. And the Condor-VA is again chosen as a sacrificial lamb. But it could be your fault, right?

What happens to my PIREP after it has been sent? We have an online database behind our PIREP, but it only becomes active after the PIREP has been validated. The data that is requested is always relevant and is checked manually. The verification is also the only thing that prevents you from seeing your immediate hours in your pilot list.
The check will usually be done every two to four days, (apart from holidays and absence of the flight manager).
The flights you have entered can now be seen in the output "pilot logbook". There you will also find the information behind it, whether your flight has been validated and how it arrived:
CORRECT means that your flight has been entered excellently and will be released for billing (rated).
WRONG means that your flight was not entered according to our PIREP instructions and will not be evaluated, this means work for you and no longer for us!
You will get a message about what you did wrong and you are allowed to fill in the PIREP again, but in the worst case repeat the flight! Wrong flights will remain in the database for a while and this should spur you on not to enter anything wrong, as everyone will notice this. ;-D
Questions about start time and flight day:

Many questions come up concerning the start time and the flight day:
It should not be seen so narrowly, of course you can make a flight that really only goes on a Monday on a Thursday, and just as a flight in the evening at 7pm can be made at 11am. The only important thing is that you enter the time in real UTC in the PIREP. No matter which time is displayed in the simulator! For online flights the server time in UTC is decisive, as well as the controllers work in real time according to UTC.

Questions about the aircraft type:

Depending on your rank, you may fly with us using an aircraft on which you have made your type rating (TR).
Optionally you can use the B737 for the A320/A321. For the A330 also the B757 and for the B767 also the B747/A340. Although our role model (the original CONDOR) does not have any B737, A330, A340 etc. in their hangar anymore we are happy to give our pilots the opportunity to use your appropriate PAY software, e.g. the iFly B737 / Wilco Airbus etc. (We would like to apologize for this to the REALISTS among you) If there is another aircraft in the flight plan, e.g. the A320 can be used with the B737 etc. or vice versa. However, you should not fly if you do not have your TR or release of the aircraft category. Our flight management program recognizes this and will not evaluate invalid flights.

Special features for Shared Cockpit:

With Shared Cockpit, the host system is considered the leading data source. This is also 100% taken into account and checked during validation. If the client system also establishes a connection, this can be checked on a random basis.
Important: Every pilot has to deliver his own PIREP! Likewise, the partner CFG number and the note "Partner CFG number" must be entered in the PIREP under "Messages" as Shared Cockpit. In case of disregard or deviating data the PIREP of the client system can be evaluated as incorrect. (System-related tolerances are of course taken into account).

The most important information about the flight plans:

Depending on your rank, you will automatically be shown the flights that are allowed.

Flights of the month: Here you will find four theme-related flights for each month. These flights are meant to offer some variety to the regular flight schedule and especially to make the to enable co-pilots to make a "journey" outside of Germany. All pilots always have the same flights and have the advantage that when flying online maybe several pilots can do it together. Please use our forum, where you can exchange ideas.
Co-Pilot flights:

These flights are mainly intended for our CO-PILOTS, because as long as they have not yet gained too much experience with us and as long as they have not yet filed a type rating to the First Officer, we do not want to let them go abroad.
(EXCEPTIONS always confirm the rule and these exceptions are our Flights of the month, here can and may be flown abroad, so that our co-pilots can also gain a little experience)

Charter flights:

These flights are intended for our FO (FIRST OFFICER's). You may fly abroad, since you have already gained your experience. We have introduced this section so that our online flyers do not necessarily have to co-pilot flights and are also allowed to fly to neighbouring countries. (Austria, Denmark, Hungary etc.) Here we do not need to have a bad conscience because of realism, as there are mostly real charter flights of Condor and its sister companies. flights with stopovers can also be flown like this! I.e. flown through flights cannot and will not be recognized!
Please remember to indicate RMK/CHARTERFLIGHT under remarks RMK/CHARTERFLIGHT when flying online on IVAO/VATSIM!

Condor Short:

These flights are available from the rank of FO (FIRST OFFICER's). And finally we are very realistic again, because all flights are from the original Condor flight plans.
Flights with intermediate landings are to be flown like this too! I.e. flown through flights can and will not be recognized!

Condor Long:

These flights are mainly for our C (CAPTAIN's), SC (SENIOR CAPTAIN's) as well as CC (CHECK CAPTAIN's). And again we are very realistic, because all flights are taken from the original Condor flight plan. Flights with intermediate landings can be flown like this too! I.e. flown through flights can and will not be recognized!
Because these are usually very long flight, please pay attention to the range of your machine! This applies mainly to captains, who are only allowed to fly the B757/A330.

Miami/Bangkok Hubs:

In order not to be dependent on Europe or on Condor routes, our VA has now decided to set up a HUB in Miami and Bangkok. This section is very well flown at the moment and all who are there can only confirm that it is fun to fly in North and South America and Asia. Interesting flights are also the Caribbean flights. Regulation: This section is only available from CAPTAIN's rank and have agreed to a registration. You should stay at least one month in the HUB and at least two flights per month. THERE IS A SEPARATE PAGE FOR THIS SECTION!

Special flights:

As the name suggests, these are flights out of a special occasion and are also subject to their own regulations. Among them are some beautiful tours that bring an award with them; which can even be flown from co-pilot.
Please also note the regulations on the special page in the FOC (Flight Operation Center) !